Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Fonts for Linux

  1. ttf-arphic-uming, ttf-wqy-microhei, ttf-wqy-zenhei, xfonts-wqy and ttf-opensymbol are some packages related to Chinese fonts.

  2. If you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can use Adobe Chinese fonts for free.

  3. To check Chinese fonts installed on your computer, you can use the command fc-list :lang=zh-cn | sort.

  4. To install extra fonts in linux, you can just copy the font files to the directory '$HOME/.fonts'. To make them in effect, you have to run fc-cache to update the system fonts cache.

  5. If you ever have any fonts problem with Tex Live in Linux, install the package texlive-fonts-extra (if you haven't done so) and try again.

  6. nerd-fonts patches developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs (icons). Specifically to add a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' such as Font Awesome, Devicons, Octicons, and others.
