Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Fonts for Linux

  1. ttf-arphic-uming, ttf-wqy-microhei, ttf-wqy-zenhei, xfonts-wqy and ttf-opensymbol are some packages related to Chinese fonts.

  2. If you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can use Adobe Chinese fonts for free.

  3. To check Chinese fonts installed on your computer, you can use the command fc-list :lang=zh-cn | sort.

  4. To install extra …

LaTeX for Chinese

  1. xetex is the state-of-art way for dealing with Chinese type setting. You can install xetex on Debian series of Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.) using the following command.
wajig install texlive-xetex 

You can use command xelatex to compile. The utf-8 format is preferred.

There are 2 good ways …