Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Fonts for Linux

  1. ttf-arphic-uming, ttf-wqy-microhei, ttf-wqy-zenhei, xfonts-wqy and ttf-opensymbol are some packages related to Chinese fonts.

  2. If you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can use Adobe Chinese fonts for free.

  3. To check Chinese fonts installed on your computer, you can use the command fc-list :lang=zh-cn | sort.

  4. To install extra …

TeXstudio, Bravo!

I have heard about TeXstudio for a long time. I tried it today on a Debian virtual machine. It works like a charm. I like the preview function a lot. Using inline preview, you can see compiled result while you are typing. It works even with user-defined commands. This is …

Set Line Space in LaTeX

  1. The parskip command makes a skip between paragraphs. The length of skip can be set using the command \setlength, e.g.,

    \setlength{\parskip}{15pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
  2. The command \itemsep sets the space between items in lists, e.g.,

    \itemsep = 0.8cm
  3. The …

Scientific References

  1. JabRef is an open-source cross-plotform software for managing scientific references. Mendeley is a good cost-free cross-platform software for managing scientific references. It introduces the concept of social research.

  2. If you use bibtex in your LaTeX code, you have to compile your code using pdflatex/latex, bibtex, pdflatex/latex and pdflatex …

LaTeX for Chinese

  1. xetex is the state-of-art way for dealing with Chinese type setting. You can install xetex on Debian series of Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.) using the following command.
wajig install texlive-xetex 

You can use command xelatex to compile. The utf-8 format is preferred.

There are 2 good ways …

LaTeX Commands for Compiling

  1. LaTeX
    • If your LaTeX code contains only EPS figures, you can use the latex command (also OK to use pdflatex) to compile your code.
    • If you use bibtex, you have to compile your code using commands latex, bibtex, latex and latex in sequence.
    • If you use the psfrag package to …