Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Disable the Checkers Layer in SpaceVim

You can use the following command in SpaceVim to disable the checkers layer temporarily.

let g:spacevim_lint_on_save = 0

If you want to disable the checkers layer permanently, add the following lines into your init.toml file.

name = "checkers"
enable = false

It is suggested that you disable the checkers layer …

Useful Plugins for Eclipse

Terminal Plug-in

"Terminal Plug-in" is a fully-working command-line terminal for Eclipse.


"EasyShell" allows to open a shell window or file manager from the popup menu in the navigation tree or editor view.


Vrapper provides Vim-like scheme for Eclispe. You can edit code similar as what you do in …

Selectively Disable Vimperator on Webpages

You can press shift + esc to disable Vimperator on pages and insert to enable it again. This is not good solution as often times you wan to disable Vimperator on a few pages but still have it enabled on other pages. You can achieve this by configurating the ~/.vimperatorrc file …

Interact with System Clipboard in Vim

The following are ways for a Vim session to interact (copy/cut, paste) with other Vim sessions or other applications.

Use X Windows Clipboard Directly

If you prefer to use X windows clipboard as the default buffer for Vim, put set clipboard=unnamedplus in your .vimrc file. This obviously makes …