Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Selectively Disable Vimperator on Webpages

You can press shift + esc to disable Vimperator on pages and insert to enable it again. This is not good solution as often times you wan to disable Vimperator on a few pages but still have it enabled on other pages. You can achieve this by configurating the ~/.vimperatorrc file. Below is an example of disabling Vimperator on Google main, calendar, reader and tasks.

autocmd LocationChange .*                             js modes.passAllKeys = false
autocmd LocationChange mail\\.google\\.com            js modes.passAllKeys = true
autocmd LocationChange www\\.google\\.com/calendar    js modes.passAllKeys = true
autocmd LocationChange www\\.google\\.com/reader      js modes.passAllKeys = true
autocmd LocationChange mail\\.google\\.com/tasks      js modes.passAllKeys = false

Instead of using autocmd, you can also use ignorekeys. Below is an exampel of disabling Vimperator on Yahoo and Google mail.

ignorekeys add
ignorekeys add


  1. Disable Vimperator Temporarily
