Terminal Plug-in
"Terminal Plug-in" is a fully-working command-line terminal for Eclipse.
"EasyShell" allows to open a shell window or file manager from the popup menu in the navigation tree or editor view.
Vrapper provides Vim-like scheme for Eclispe.
You can edit code similar as what you do in Vim
plus that you can use mouse to copy and paste code.
In my opinion,
it is better than either Eclipse or Vim alone.
The configuration file of Vrapper is .vrapper
or _vrapperrc
(on Windows).
The Eclim project provides a great alternative to the Vrapper plugin. Eclim is a seemless integration of Eclipse and the native Vim (rather than a Vim plugin). All plugins in Vim works well.
CodeInterview Plugin
"CodeInterview Plugin" allows you to write code in Eclipse instead of on CodeInterview directly. This is helpful if you will be interviewed for coding skills on CodeInterview.