Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Resolve the DNS Contamination Issue in Firefox

The local DNS you use in China is probably contaminated and popular sites like Google, Facebook, etc. are not interpreted correctly. So if you are in China and use Firefox with Proxy, make sure to set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to be true (follow steps below).

  1. Open an empty tab in …

Block JavaScript in Browsers Using NoScript

** Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement! **

To enable NoScript synchronization via Firefox Sync go to about:config (type this in URL bar) and change noscript.sync.enabled to true.

Selectively Disable Vimperator on Webpages

You can press shift + esc to disable Vimperator on pages and insert to enable it again. This is not good solution as often times you wan to disable Vimperator on a few pages but still have it enabled on other pages. You can achieve this by configurating the ~/.vimperatorrc file …