Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Comparision of Linux Emulation Solutions on Windows

  1. Virtual machine based on Virtualbox, etc. is an overkill, generally speaking. It provides complete functionalities but is more CPU and memory hangry.

  2. WSL 2 is the currently the best solution comes with Windows 10+. It is essentially a virtual machine but based on Hyper-V.

  3. Cygwin, MobaXterm, etc. are outdated as …

Resizing Hard Disk of Guest Machine in Virtualbox

Suppose you have virtual hard disk in VirtualBox called xp.vdi, you can resize it (megabytes) using the following command.

VBoxManage modifyhd xp.vdi --resize 40960

The command currently doesn't support vmdk virtual disk. So if you have a virtual disk called xp.vmdk, you have to first convert it …