Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Convert PDF to EPS

There are tons of tools for converting PDF pictures to EPS pictures in Linux. The pdf2ps command is a good one. It produces EPS pictures without losing much resolution. The general purpose tools convert (from the ImageMagick package) does not produce as good quality EPS figures.

Terminal Multiplexers


  1. There are 2 mature popular terminal multiplexer apps: screen and tmux. Both of them are very useful if you want to work on multiple tasks over 1 SSH connection. Screen is relative simple to use while tmux is much more powerful and more complicated to use.

  2. Besides enabling users to …

Schedule Cron Tasks in a Docker Container

Cron tasks work in a Docker container. However, you have to manually start the cron deamon (root or sudo required) using cron or sudo cron if it is not configured (via the Docker entrypoint) to start on the start of the Docker container. For tutorials on crontab, please refer to …

Resolve the DNS Contamination Issue in Firefox

The local DNS you use in China is probably contaminated and popular sites like Google, Facebook, etc. are not interpreted correctly. So if you are in China and use Firefox with Proxy, make sure to set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to be true (follow steps below).

  1. Open an empty tab in …