Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Call Java Using PyJNIus from Python

PyJNIus is a simple-to-use Java interface for Python. However, JPype is a better alternative.


pip install Cython
pip install pyjnius

Example with Imported Jar

import os
os.environ["CLASSPATH"] = "/path/to/your.jar"
from jnius import autoclass
YourClass = autoclass(
yourObj = YourClass()

Note: Avoid using the same …

Java Interfaces for Python

JPype, py4j and PyJNIus are all good options for Java interface for Python. Jpype is easy to use and widely adopted. PyJNIus is an even easier solution compred to JPype. py4j is more complicated to use compared to JPype and PyJNIus, however, it has a better performance, generally speaking.

JPype …