Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Call Java Using PyJNIus from Python

PyJNIus is a simple-to-use Java interface for Python. However, JPype is a better alternative.


pip install Cython
pip install pyjnius

Example with Imported Jar

import os
os.environ["CLASSPATH"] = "/path/to/your.jar"
from jnius import autoclass
YourClass = autoclass(
yourObj = YourClass()

Note: Avoid using the same name for an instance varialbe and a method in the same class. Even though Java is able to distinguish between them PyJNIus is not able to. A method will be hide by the instance variable with the same name if you use the Jar via PyJNIus in Python. Generally speaking, it is a bad idea to have the same for an instance variable and a method as it might confuse other programming languages (e.g., Kotlin) and frameworks too.

