Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Install Python in macOS

There are a few ways to install Python in Mac.

  1. Install system-wide via the official Python installation package.

  2. Install a Anaconda Python distribution locally.

  3. Install locally using Homebrew (recommended).

A few comments about different ways of installation.

  1. Avoid installing multiple versions of Python in your system. It usually brings more …

Tips on Installing Debian Series of Linux Distributions

Before Installation

Debian Specific

  1. You'd better not install back ported Debian images, as it might cause issues with other software (e.g., VirtualBox). It is suggested that you use Debian test.

Other Debian-based Linux Distributions

  1. Download the right ISO image of the Linux distribution that you want to install.

  2. Create …

Install Python Packages Using pip

PyPi Statistics

You can check download statistics of Python Packages on PYPI at This is especially helpful if you want to choose from multiple packages.

Prefer pip

pip is preferred over OS tools (e.g., apt-get, yum, wajig, aptitude, etc.) for managing Python packages. If you are …