PyPi Statistics
You can check download statistics of Python Packages on PYPI at This is especially helpful if you want to choose from multiple packages.
Prefer pip
is preferred over OS tools
(e.g., apt-get
, yum
, wajig
, aptitude
, etc.) for managing Python packages.
If you are using Anaconda Python,
use conda
(instead of pip
) to manage Python packages
especially when you encounter dependency issues.
Install pip
On Ubuntu
apt-get install python3-pip
On Mac
should have already been installed when you instal Python using Homebrew or Anaconda.
Bootstrapping the pip Installer
The package ensurepip provides support for bootstrapping the pip installer into an existing Python installation or virtual environment.
sudo python3 -m ensurepip
Proper Way of Using pip
pip can be upgrade using the following command.
pip3 install --upgrade pip
However, you should avoid doing this (as it might causes issues) unless you have to upgrade and you are an experienced user. It is recommended that you upgrade pip via the system package management tools only.
Do NOT use
sudo pip install pkg1 pkg2
install packages to system-wide locations. Instead, usepip install --user pkg1 pkg2
to install packages to your local directory.
Install a Specific Version of a Python Package
List all available versions of a Python package.
pip3 install pylibmc==
Install a specific version of a Python package.
pip3 install MySQL_python==1.2.2
Install pyarrow with a verison of at least 0.14.0. Notice that you must quote
using single/double quotes.pip3 install 'pyarrow>=0.14.0'
Install a Python package with a version in a range.
pip3 install "jupyterlab>=1.2.7,<2.0.0"
You can install the pre-release version of a package using the
option. For example, the current version of pybuilder (0.11.7) is not compatible with Python 3.7. If you are using Python 3.7 and still want to use the pybuilder package, you can install the pre-release version (0.12) which is compatible with Python 3.7.pip3 install --pre pybuilder
Install Python Packages from Source
Install Python package from a
file which contains the source code.pip3 install xinstall-0.23.0.tar.gz
Install from the current directory
pip3 install .
20.0+ supports instaling a peotry managed Python project from GitHub directly. For example, the comamnd below installs the Python package dsutil from the GitHub repository dclong/dsutil directly.pip3 install git+ssh:// # or pip3 install git+ # or install with optional components pip3 install --user -U "dsutil[all] @ git+" pip3 install "dsutil[cv] @ file:///home/dclong/dsutil-0.54.1-py3-none-any.whl" pip3 install "dsutil[cv] @"
If you are behind a corporate proxy, you might need 2FA to visit the enterprise GitHub of your company. However, 2FA is usually not required for Git comamnd line (since it would too much hassle). The above way to install Python packages from GitHub repositories directly can be a good way to avoid 2FA authentication if you are behind a corporate proxy.
Install Python Packages from Requirements.txt
You can install Python packages from a requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Notice that all formats accepted by pip3 install
is valid in requirements.txt
For example,
is valid to use in requirements.txt
Difference between --ignore-installed and --force-reinstall
Sometimes a package is installed by distutils
which cannot be reinstalled using pip
not even with the --force-reinstall
In that case,
you have to use the --ignore-installed
For more discussions,
please refer to
Difference Between Pip Install Options Ignore Installed and Force Reinstall
blockstack-core::Issues 504
Install Python Packages Without Installing Dependencies
You can install a Python package without installing its dependencies using the command below.
pip3 install --no-deps some_package
Upgrade Python Packages
You can upgrade an already installed Python package to the latest version using the command below.
pip3 install --upgrade wheel
List All Installed Python Packages
List all installed modules.
pip3 list
List outdated modules only.
pip3 list --outdated
You can also use
to show all installed modules in Python.
Use pip with Proxy
You can export environment variables http_proxy
and https_proxy
or you can use pip
with the --proxy
option directly.
pip3 --proxy http://proxy__server_ip:port install some_pkg
When using the --proxy
with pip
you can omit http://
and the port if the port is 80.
pip3 --proxy search notifiers
Notice that sometimes pip
does not respect the environment variables.
In that case,
you have to use the option --proxy
to pass proxy to pip
And even with the option --proxy
pip might not work well if you install from a version control system.
Just be ware of that.
is likely a solution when that issue happens.
supports downloading Python packages without installing them. At the same time, you can disablepip
caching using the option--no-cache-dir
. For more discussions, please refer to Caching . -
export LC_ALL=C
resolves an issues (cannot remember which issue exactly) of pip3.
Installation Location
Please refer to The Installation Location of Python Packages Using Pip for more discussions.
Check for Existence of a Python Package
The most robust way turns out to be pip3 list
because some packages are namespace sub packagess
which are not exposed (visible to importlib) by default.
all installed packages (via pip) are visible to pip.
pip3 list | grep -i pelican-render-math
How to pip install a package with min and max version range?
How to state in requirements.txt a direct github source
'pip install' From a Git Repository