I had to schedule an event on Doodle. I wanted to fill in all possible regular meeting times (starting at 8:00 am with 30 minutes interval). I am such a lazy guy who never want to repeat the same thing for more than 3 times. Typing all these time slots in Doodle was obvious a pain for me. I immediately came out with the idea of simulating keyboard events. I started search in gooled for such a tool in Linux, then I immediately realized that I already had such a tool -- keepassx. Odd enough, keepassx is a tool for managing passwords! That's right! keepassx allows one to send customized keys to windows. This is what I wanted. Readers might think aloud: "Huh, so you transformed the work of repeated typing in Doodle into repeated typing in keepassx?" The answer is letting R (or any script language you're familiar with) to generate the string for you! Another advantage of this way is that you work is saved in keepassx. Scheduling events with the same time slots in future is greatly simplified. Though I might have used less time to get the work done by just typing in Doodle, I enjoyed getting my worked done creatively. And as mentioned above, my work is saved. I have killed many birds (scheduling similar events in future) with one stone.