Break down the work into smaller modules and develop pipelines (consists of module) for the work. Be sure to save (important) intermediate results so that you can resume failed modules withouting reruning succeeded ones.
Manage your project in GitHub and use issues to manage tasks to do and their priorities …
Scientific References
is an open-source cross-plotform software for managing scientific references.Mendeley
is a good cost-free cross-platform software for managing scientific references. It introduces the concept of social research. -
If you use bibtex in your LaTeX code, you have to compile your code using
andpdflatex …
Estimation of False Discovery Rate using Sequential Permutation Pvalues
I wrote a paper on sequential permutation test with Tim Bancroft and Dan Nettleton.
The paper "T. Bancroft, C. Du and D. Nettleton (2012).
Estimation of False Discovery Rate Using Sequential Permutation PValues."
has been accepted by Biometrics. To illustrate ideas in the paper and make sequential
permutation test …
Some Useful Properties of Modified Bessel Functions of the First Kind
I have to deal with Modified Bessel functions of the first kind frequently in my research. Here I list some useful properties of them for future reference.