Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Read Tensorboard Logs

Using pandas.read_csv

This approaches requires you to have a running TensorBoard which is serving the data you want to read.

  1. Check the checkbox "Show data download links". See highlighted in the top-left corner of the screenshot below for an example.

  2. Select an experimentation whose you'd like to download. See highlighted in the bottom-right corner of the screenshot for an example.

Parse TOML Files in Python

  1. There are 2 popular Python libraries tomlkit and toml for parsing TOML formatted files in Python. tomlkit is preferred to toml as it is more flexible and style-preserving.

  2. A TOML file always interpret a key (even a bare ASCII integer) as string. For this reason, a dict with numerical keys …

Process Big Data Using PySpark

  1. PySpark 2.4 and older does not support Python 3.8. You have to use Python 3.7 with PySpark 2.4 or older.

  2. It can be extremely helpful to run a PySpark application locally to detect possible issues before submitting it to the Spark cluster.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash …