Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Make Your Life Easier with Portable Applications

Using portable applications is a good way to make your digital life easier. They do not eat up your disk quickly nor do they mess up the registry of your Windows OS. You can always copy these applications from one computer to another and use it out of box. Or …

Cygwin Portable

** Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement! **

Cygwin Portable

  1. The portable versions has some problems

    • Vim, edit mode, backspace doesn't work sometimes (identation related)
  2. Cygwin portable scroll doesn't work after Vim is opened and then closed. but if …

Write Portable C++ Code

  1. Addresses on 64 and 32 OS are different, so you have to be careful when your program have to deal with address. For example, if you take the difference of two pointers/iterators, you should type std::ptrdiff_t (which is essentially a singed integer type). Using an arbitrary integer type …