Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Editing PDF Files

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Type Name Comments
Web Tools Parseur - AI-based PDF parser
DocuSign - Great for convert PDF files to MS Office files, etc.
- non-free: 1 file per 30 minutes …

Use pdftk to Manipulating PDF Files

It is suggested that you use Python modules instead of pdftk to manipulating PDFs for several reasons. First, even though pdftk is a great command-line tool, it is hard to remember its syntax. On the contratry, Python code is easy to read and understand (even though it is more verbose …

Convert PDF to EPS

There are tons of tools for converting PDF pictures to EPS pictures in Linux. The pdf2ps command is a good one. It produces EPS pictures without losing much resolution. The general purpose tools convert (from the ImageMagick package) does not produce as good quality EPS figures.