Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

My Docker Images

Most of my Docker images have different variants (corresponding to tags latest, next, etc) for different use cases. And each tag might have histocial versions with the pattern mmddhh (mm, dd and hh stand for the month, day and hour) for fallback if a tag …

Jupyter Notebook Support in Bitbucket

GitHub has built-in support for Jupyter Notebooks. Bitbucket supports Jupyter Notebooks via a fileview addon. It works on both publick and private notebooks. Follow the steps below to install the addon.

  1. Click on your avatar in the lower left corner on your homepage of Bitbucket.

    Bitbucket Menu

  2. Select the option App marketplace …

Trust a JupyterLab Notebook

By default, IPython (kernel of Jupyter/Lab notebook) disables executation of untrusted code without explicit user input. If you have notebook whose output containings JavaScript (e.g., JS-based visualiation) and code wasn't run by you (e.g., the notebook is shared by someone else), the JS-based output won't be shown …

List Running Jupyter Notebook Servers

You can list running Jupyter Notebook servers using the following command.

jupyter notebook list

It works well most of the time. However, if the servers are launched using the root account (e.g., in a Docker container), you might encounter issues. In this case, a better alternative is to list …