Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Convert PDF to EPS

There are tons of tools for converting PDF pictures to EPS pictures in Linux. The pdf2ps command is a good one. It produces EPS pictures without losing much resolution. The general purpose tools convert (from the ImageMagick package) does not produce as good quality EPS figures.

Build Docker Images Using Kaniko

  1. Kaniko works differently from Docker. It runs inside a Docker container and detect and extract new layers to build Docker images. Since Kaniko manipulates the filesystem (layers) inside the Docker container, it can have unexpected side effect if not used carefully. For this reason, the developer team suggests users to …

Extract Images from Video Using OpenCV in Python

Tips and Traps

  1. Most videoes have a FPS of 24. Some videos have higher FPS (e.g., 30 or 60) so that they can capture motions better. A record video on a computer has a FPS of the refresh rate of the monitor, which is usually 60. You can get the FPS of a video using OpenCV in Python.