Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Collections and Iterators in C++


  1. Prefer std::deque to std::vector when the size of the collection is unknow.

  2. Suppose set A and B are two set with the same type and set C is another set with the same value type but a different comparison function, then it is still valid to insert …

Boolean Values in C++

  1. Boolean expressions are evaluated from left to right (the same in Java), so it is totally OK to write code like

    if(a < x.size() && x[a]){

    where x is a vector.

  2. There is no &&= and ||= operators in C++, instead you can use &= and |=. Though &= and |= are not specially for …

Parallel Computing Using Multithreading

  1. Not all jobs are suitable for parallel computing. The more comminication that threads has to make, the more dependent the jobs are and the less efficient the parallel computing is.

  2. Generally speaking, commercial softwares (Mathematica, MATLAB and Revolution R, etc.) have very good support on parallel computing.


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