Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Read Tensorboard Logs

Using pandas.read_csv

This approaches requires you to have a running TensorBoard which is serving the data you want to read.

  1. Check the checkbox "Show data download links". See highlighted in the top-left corner of the screenshot below for an example.

  2. Select an experimentation whose you'd like to download. See highlighted in the bottom-right corner of the screenshot for an example.

Parse TOML Files in Python

  1. There are 2 popular Python libraries tomlkit and toml for parsing TOML formatted files in Python. tomlkit is preferred to toml as it is more flexible and style-preserving.

  2. A TOML file always interpret a key (even a bare ASCII integer) as string. For this reason, a dict with numerical keys …

Get CentOS Version

You can get the version of CentOS using the following command.

rpm -q centos-release

This trick can be used to get the version of the CentOS distribution on a Spark cluster. Basically, you run this command in the driver or workers to print the versions and then parse the log …