Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Persist and Checkpoint DataFrames in Spark

Persist vs Checkpoint

Spark Internals - has a good explanation of persist vs checkpoint.

  1. Persist/Cache in Spark is lazy and doesn't truncate the lineage while checkpoint is eager (by default) and truncates the lineage.

  2. Generally speaking, DataFrame.persist has a better performance than DataFrame.checkpoint. However, DataFrame.checkpoint is more robust and is preferred in any of the following situations.

Types of Joins of Spark DataFrames


  1. It is suggested that you always pass a list of columns to the parameter on even if there's only one column for joining.

  2. None in a pandas DataFrame is converted to NaN instead of null!

  3. Spark allows using following join types:

    • inner (default)
    • cross
    • outer
    • full, fullouter, full_outer
    • left, leftouter, left_outer
    • right, rightouter, right_outer
    • semi, leftsemi, left_semi
    • anti, leftanti, left_anti