In pratice, the approach of separate RNGs with different seeds for threads/processes is widely used (even though theoretically those RNGs might have overlaping sequences, which is undesirable). For more discussions on this approach, please refer to The Rust Rand Book - Parallel RNGs and Seed Many RNGs in Rust . The following of this article discusses about thread-safe RNGs based on Mersenne Twister. Note that Mersenne Twister is no longer considered the state-of-the-art non-cryptographic PRNG. For more discussions on this, please refer to Summary on Random Number Generators .
In statistical simulation, a thread safe random number generator is often useful. Thread safty can be achieved by synchronize public methods of random number generator engines. In C++, this can be done through mutex (see more about my post on multithreading in C++). I implemented a Thread Safe Random Number Generator (based on the Mersenne Twister RNG).
#ifndef DCLONG_SMT_H_
#define DCLONG_SMT_H_
#include <random>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
template< class UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r,
UIntType a, size_t u, UIntType d, size_t s,
UIntType b, size_t t, UIntType c, size_t l, UIntType f
> class smt : public mersenne_twister_engine<UIntType,w,n,m,r,a,u,d,s,b,t,c,l,f>{
static mutex _mutex;
UIntType operator()(){
lock_guard<mutex> lck(_mutex);
return mersenne_twister_engine<UIntType,w,n,m,r,a,u,d,s,b,t,c,l,f>::operator()();
template< class UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r,
UIntType a, size_t u, UIntType d, size_t s,
UIntType b, size_t t, UIntType c, size_t l, UIntType f
> mutex smt<UIntType,w,n,m,r,a,u,d,s,b,t,c,l,f>::_mutex;
typedef smt<uint32_t,32,351,175,19,0xccab8ee7,
11,0xffffffff,7,0x31b6ab00,15,0xffe50000,17,1812433253> smt11213b;
typedef smt<uint32_t,32,624,397,31,0x9908b0df,
11,0xffffffff,7,0x9d2c5680,15,0xefc60000,18,1812433253> smt19937;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_INT64_T) && !defined(BOOST_NO_INTEGRAL_INT64_T)
typedef smt<uint64_t,64,312,156,31,
UINT64_C(6364136223846793005)> smt19937_64;
To test whether this random number generator is truely thread safe,
I generated a bunch of integer from negative binomial distribution
using both this random number generator and mt19937_64
with a same seed (on which the random number generator implemented here is based)
as the underlying engines,
and compare whether they are the same set.
the two sets of integers I got were different.
I was very confused and ask this problem to Bartosz Milewski
who published a series of video tutorials on multithreading in C++11.
After discussing with Bartosz Milewski,
he pointed out that the problem was because
the negative binomial distribution calls the method operator()()
multiple times
to generate a single random integer.
This does not mean that anything is wrong with the implementation of the negative binomial distribution.
It is thread safe as long as the underlying random number generator it uses is thread safe.
Due to the fact that a negative binomial distribution calls the method operator()()
of the underlying random number generator multiple times to generate a single integer,
the random numbers it generates based on a synchronized random number generator
is not necessarily the same set as the one
that the corresponding serial random number generator generates from the same seed.
I verified that the numbers generated by the negative binomial distribution
using the thread safe random number generator here come from the right distribution.
Another way to validate the implementation of the thread safe random number generator here is that
if a distribution call the method operator()()
only once to generate a random number,
then the numbers it generates based on smt and mt19937_64 should be the same set.
I verified that this is true for a bernoulli distribution.
Short after I implemented this thread safe random number generator, I found betters ways to generate random numbers in parallel. The basic is to make the random number engine to jump forward a long enough distance quickly. Currently many popular random number generators can jump forward a long enough distance in a acceptable short time. For example, the Mersenne Twister can jump forward in milliseconds. For more information, please see SFMT.