Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Static Type Checking of Python Scripts Using pytype


There are 3 ways to control the behavior of `pytype.

  1. Pass command-line options to pytype.

  2. Specify a configuration file using pytype --config /path/to/config/file .... You can generate an example configuration file using the command pytype --generate-config pytype.cfg.

  3. If no configuration file is found, pytype uses the first setup.cfg it founds and use the [pytype] section.

Please refer to xinstalll::pytype/setup.cfg for an example of configuration file of pytype.

Exclude Files and/or Directories

  1. Use the --exclude option.

    PATH=.venv/bin:$PATH pytype xinstall --exclude xinstall/data
  2. Specify files and/or directories to exclude in the configuration file setup.cfg.

    exclude = 

Silent Errors

Please refer to Silencing errors for detailed explanations.

