Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Convert a Socks Proxy to a HTTP Proxy

There are multiple tools available to convert a Socks proxy to a HTTP/HTTPS proxy. The work by convertting HTTP requests into socks requests and send them to the socks proxy. Be aware that this might not be necessary as many tools accepting HTTP/HTTPS proxies also accept socks proxies. In that case, you can direct your socks proxy (e.g., socks5://localhost:1080) to those tools. If you do need to convert a socks proxy to a HTTP/HTTPS proxy for tools that accept HTTP/HTTPS proxies only, read the below.


  1. Install Polipo.

    wajig search polipo
  2. Create a HTTP proxy listening on 8123 (assuming you have a Socks proxy localhost:1080).

    polipo socksParentProxy=localhost:1080


  1. Install http-proxy-to-socks.

    npm install -g http-proxy-to-socks
  2. Create a HTTP proxy listening on 8080 (assuming you have a Socks proxy localhost:1080). Please make sure your socks service is available at the corresponding port.

    hpts -s -p 8080

