Syntax of Teradata SQL

Posted on Oct 15, 2014 in Computer Science

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

** Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives. **


  1. Each Teradata SQL statement must be ended by a semicolon.

  2. The keyword inner is optional in an inner join.

  3. To estimate the time and space complexity, you can prefix your SQL code by explain, or you can just press the Explain button if you use Teradata SQL Assistant.

  4. Column names in select and group by, order by, etc. are separated by comma. There can be no comma after the last column name. This is easy to understand. If you put comma after the last column in a, e.g., select clause, the from keyword will be treated as the last column and results in syntax error.

Common Syntax Errors

  1. Using a comma after the last column or missing a comma after a non-last column in the select clause.

  2. Miss then in a case statement.

        when condition_1 then v_1 
        when condition_2 then v_2 
        else v_k 
  3. For with data or with no data when creating a table. CREATE TABLE Failed. 3706: Syntax error: expected something between ')' and ';'.

SQL Style

  1. It is suggested that you write SQL code in the following style.

    :::sql create table t0 as ( select distinct top 5 * from t1 inner join t2 on condition where condition group by 1 having condition order by 1 ) with data primary index (f1, f2)