Advantages and Disadvantages of R

Posted on Nov 13, 2012 in Programming

Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives.

** Things under are outdated technologies that the author does not plan to update any more. Please look for better alternatives. **


  1. R is opensource.

  2. Lots of new packages are being developed.

  3. Easy to learn, convenient to use.


  1. R is slow when running loops.

  2. The syntax of R is very flexible (sounds good) and it's won't be strongly checked, which make it easy to make mistakes sometimes. And when you make mistakes, it can be hard to find it out.

  3. R does not pass arguments to functions by addresses, which means that all arguments will be copied and then passed to functions. This not only makes R slow but also inconvenient sometimes.