Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Windows Emulation on Linux

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Virtual machine is the recommend way to emulate Windows working environment on Linux.

Virtual Machine

  1. A Windows virtual machine (via Virtualbox, etc.) provides a full working Windows environment. The only downside is that a Windows virtual machine requires lots of resource to run. You need a very powerful Linux/macOS host machine.

  2. WinTPC is a relatively lightweight 32-bit Windows operating system. What's more important, Microsoft provides free registration for WinTPC. Get a Windows 10 development environment offers free Windows 10 virtual machines for developers.

WINE, CrossOver

WINE and CrossOver requires way less resource than a Windows virtual machine. However, the Windows app you want to run might not be supported by WINE or CrossOver. And even if it works, it might be buggy. For more discussions on WINE and CrossOver, please refer to Windows Emulation Using WINE .

