Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

The Xfce Desktop Environment for Linux

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

  1. broken symbolic .bashrc stops Xfce from login to GUI I guess this is a common problem


  1. Set a shorcut for Xfce App Finder which is frequently used.

  2. Set a shortcut for terminator.


I don't use this functionality at all. I disable auto save session functionality.


  1. disable tap while typing

  2. enable touchpad

Must Have Plugins

  1. Make sure you have both Notification Area and Indicator Plugin on your panel.

  2. the problem of system tray (notification aera), not right aligned, to slove this, add a separator, make it expand and transparent If you want the windows button to be center aligned, you can add another separator to the left of it and make it expand and transparent.

  3. If you install desktop environment manually, you might have to manually install lightdm also ...

  4. not sure how I can make auto login in xfce?


  1. By default Xfce saves sessions, it is recommended that you disable this, otherwise, when you restart your computer, some windows might open automatically. However, this is confusing and misleading, because things get lost ...

  2. not sure how can I add an entry to right click menu

  3. panel and menu configuration sync?

  4. installing xfce desktop environment, xfce4 not task-xfce-desktop, how do I know? what's the difference?

