Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Proxychains-Ng Issues on Mac

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

ProxyChains-ng does not work on macOS due to System Integration Protection (SIP). There are basically 3 ways to fix/avoid it.

  1. The issue only happens if you execute a system binary using proxychains, e.g. proxychains4 ssh user@server. For now, a workaround is to copy the executable to another location (e.g. cp /usr/bin/ssh ~/.local/bin/), and use it (e.g. proxychains4 ~/.local/bin/ssh user@server). You can modify the path variable so that ~/.local/bin/ssh is executed instead of /usr/bin/ssh, when you just type ssh.

  2. Disable SIP (which is not recommended generally speaking). Please refer to How to turn off System Integrity Protection on your Mac for instructions.

  3. Use ProxyChains/ProxyChains-ng in a Linux Docker container on Mac. For example, dclong/jupyterhub-ds is a Ubuntu-based Docker image with ProxyChains4 (i.e., ProxyChains-ng) installed.

For more discussions, please refer to Not working on OS X 10.11 due to SIP .

