Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on Outlook

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Tip and Traps

  1. Always be careful when yu use "Reply All". Make sure that the recipients are the right ones. Avoid forward a large group meeting to people and have a small group discussion at the same time in the thread. This can easily trick people to reply to all people in the large group.

  2. Use the "Schedule Assistant" to check other people's schedules.

  3. Message rules are very helpful for managing your emails. It is like "message filters" in Thunderbird. To create a message rule in Outlook 2007,

    1. Click the "Tools" menu.
    2. Click "Rules and Alerts...".
    3. Select the "Email Rules" Tab.
    4. Click "New Rule...".
    5. Choose a message rule template and follow the instructions.
    6. Do not forget to click "Apply" or "OK" after you are done! Otherwise, the message rule won't be saved.
  4. To create a signature in Outlook 2007,

    1. Click the "Tools" menu.
    2. Click "Options".
    3. Select the "Mail Format" tab.
    4. Click "Signatures..." in the Signature group and follow the intructions.
  5. You can use Ctrl + Scroll to zoom in/out an email message.

  6. If you send an email to someone and like to send another follow-up before he/seh replies you, you cannot use the "Reply" functionality directly as Outlook will send the follow-up to yourself. One way to work around this is to "Reply to All". However, this will include yourself in the recipient list. You can manually remove yourself from the recipient list or simply ignore the email.

  7. outlook, need password problem switching network caused the problem it is suggested that you use the wireless network because it's available everywhere in the office. If you use the wired network, you might encouter problems if you take your laptop to a meeting (using wireless network) and then take it back to use wired network.


you can use the outlook search, or when you use windows 7 and outlook 2010 the windows search. just type in: categories:[CategorieName]

you can narrow down the search with additional search terms seperated by space. further options: from:[email or lastname] to:[email or lastname] Subject:[SearchTerm] body:[Text] date:[date] Type:[email,appointment]

For further informations have a look here:

Outlook 2010 File -> Options -> Search -> Include results only from: check "All folders"

support gmail-style search : from: tu, chuanyu has:attachments


  1. even though I don't know how to create sub folders under Inbox in outlook in Mac, you can do this in Windows, and those folders will be synced


Keyboard shortcuts to switch between Mail, Calendar and People

Aside from using your mouse, you can also use the following keyboard shortcuts in Outlook on the Web to switch between the Mail, Calendar, People and Tasks Navigation: Mail CTRL+SHIFT+1 Calendar CTRL+SHIFT+2 People CTRL+SHIFT+3 Tasks CTRL+SHIFT+4 More useful keyboard shortcuts

There are also keyboard shortcuts to switch between your main folders: Inbox G then I Drafts G then D Sent Items G then S

Note: You’ll need to press these letters after each other in relatively quick succession. They are easy to remember when you read it like Go to Inbox, Go to Drafts and Go to Sent Items.

Other useful keyboard shortcuts in Outlook on the Web that I find myself using quite often are: New email N (or CTRL+N just like in Outlook) Reply R (or CTRL+R just like in Outlook) Reply to All SHIFT+R (or CTRL+SHIFT+R just like in Outlook) Forward SHIFT+F (or CTRL+SHIFT+F) Search ALT+Q Mark as Read Q (or CTRL+Q just like in Outlook) Delete Del Flag for Follow Up Insert Undo CTRL+Z

For an overview of all the keyboard shortcuts in Outlook on the Web press the “?” button on your keyboard (for a US International layout, this would be SHIFT+/ .
