Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Query and Monitor OS Information using osquery

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

  1. List all tables.

    .\osqueryi .tables

  2. Check the schema of a table (e.g., "process").

    .\osqueryi ".schema processes"

Querying System Information

.\osqueryi.exe "select * from system_info"

Querying Docker

Please refer to Manage Docker Images and Containers for more details.

Information About Network Cards

osqueryi 'select * from interface_details'

friendly_name, description and manufacturer information are not populated yet.

osqueryi 'select interface, friendly_name, description, manufacturer from interface_details'

Find/Locate Files

There are currently some bugs ...

  1. Find all files with the extension ".out" in the current directory and its subdirectory, and then make them executable.

    osqueryi "select * from file where directory = '$(pwd)' and filename like '%.json'"
    find . -type f -iname *.out -exec chmod +x '{}' \;
    # or you can use 
    find . -type f -iname *.out -print0 | xargs -0 chmod +x
  2. Find files whose names contain "conflicted" and remove them.

    find . -iname '*conflicted*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
  1. Find files with 0 size and delete them.

    find /path/to/files -size 0 -ok -exec rm {} \;
    # or you can use
    find /path/to/files -size 0 -ok | xargs rm
  2. Find empty directories.

    find / -type d -empty
  3. Find files greater than 1G.

    find . -xdev -type f -size +1G
  4. First find files and then pass them to other commands is a very useful trick. For example, you can use the following command to find all R scripts containing the word paste.

    find . -type f -iname '*.r' | grep --color=auto paste
  1. Find files created with in 60 minutes.

    find . -cmin 60
  2. Find files more than 30 days ago

    find . -ctime +30
  3. Find file less than 30 days ago.

    find . -ctime -30
  4. Find files that are exactly 30 days ago.

    find . -ctime 30
  5. Find all files modified on the June 7, 2007 in the current directory.

    find . -type f -newermt 2007-06-07 ! -newermt 2007-06-08
  6. Find all files accessed on the Sep 29, 2008 in the current directory.

    find . -type f -newerat 2008-09-29 ! -newerat 2008-09-30
  7. Find files which had their permission changed on the same day.

    find . -type f -newerct 2008-09-29 ! -newerct 2008-09-30
  1. Find broken symbolic links.

    find . -xtype l
    # or
    find -L . -type l
  2. Find executable files in current directory

    find .  -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable
  1. Find files that belong to a user but writable by its group or other people.

    find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm /022
  2. Check file type of all files under the current directory.

    find . -type f | xargs file

-perm mode: File's permission bits are exactly mode (octal or symbolic). -perm -mode: All of the permission bits mode are set for the file. -perm /mode: Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file. a little bit trick about how to understand the last 2 permission criterias. as suggested, think in terms of permission BITs (0/1)

The following command finds all files that readable or writable by the group or (readable or writable) by others.

find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm /066

The following command find all files that readable and writable by the group and (readable and writable) by others.

find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm -066

The following command find all files that readable or writable by the group and (readable or writable) by others.

find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm /060 -perm /006

Find Python scripts in the current directory recursively but ignore those under directories with the name .ipynb_checkpoints.

find . -type f -iname '*.py' -not -path '*/.ipynb_checkpoints/*'



  • osquery-python
