Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Hadoop Filesystem Tips

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Tips and Traps

  1. It is suggested that you never use the -skipTrash option unless you are absolutely aware of what you are doing. I made mistakes a couple of times in the past to remove HDFS paths accidentally with the -skipTrash option which means that those HDFS files couldn't be recovered from trash.

  2. The HDFS command supports wildcards. However, * represents all files/directories including hidden ones (which is different from Linux/Unix shell).

  3. The success file _SUCCESS is generated when a Spark/Hadoop application succeed. It can be used to check whether the data produced by a Spark application is ready. The success file _HIVESUCCESS is generated when a Hive table is refreshed successfully. It can be used to check whether a Hive table is ready for consumption.

hadoop fs vs hadoop dfs vs hdfs dfs

  1. hadoop fs supports generic file systems. It can be used when you are dealing with different file systems such as Local FS, HFTP FS, S3 FS, and others. hadoop fs is recommended when you work with differnt file systems at the same time.

  2. Both hdfs dfs and hadoop dfs are very specific to HDFS. They work for operation relates to HDFS. hadoop dfs has been deprecated in favor of hdfs dfs. hdfs dfs is recommended when you work with HDFS only.

cat - Print a File

hdfs dfs -cat

chmod - Change Permission of Files/Directories

hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /hdfs/path

chown - Change the Owner of Files/Directories

hdfs dfs -chown new_owner /hdfs/path

Notice that a HDFS path (file or directory) can only be removed by its owner. Other users cannot remove the path even if the file permission of the path is set 777. If a HDFS path under user A's home (/user/A/) is changed to be owned by user B, then neither A nor B can remove the path. You have to change the owner of the path back to user A and then use user A to remove the path.

count (for Quota)

hdfs dfs -count -q -v -h /user/username
16 K           7.9 K             3 T           3.0 T           27        8.1 K            573.8 M  /user/username

QUOTA is namespace quota, i.e., the number of files you can store. The directory /tmp has no quota limit. You can use it for storing files temporarily.

cp - Copy Files/Directories

hdfs dfs -cp /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt /user/saurzcode/dir2

get - Download a File/Directory

hdfs dfs -get


hdfs dfs -getmerge /hdfs/path /path/in/linux


hdfs dfs -mkdir [-p] /path/to/create

mv - Move/Rename Files/Directories

Move/rename the source file/directory /path/to/source TO /path/to/des.

hdfs dfs -mv /path/to/source /path/to/des

Move the source file/directory /path/to/source INTO the directory /path/to/des. That is, move/rename the file/directory /path/to/source to /path/to/des/source.

hdfs dfs -mv /path/to/source /path/to/des/

put/copyFromLocal - Upload a file/directory to HDFS.

hdfs dfs -put [-f]

The option -f overwrite existing files on HDFS. However, a tricky misunderstanding might happend when you upload a directory using the following command.

hdfs dfs -put -f /local/path/to/some_directory /hdfs/path/to/some_directory

Supppose /hdfs/path/to/some_directory already exists, it is not the directory /hdfs/path/to/some_directory itself get overwritten but rather files in it get overwritten. If files in /local/path/to/some_directory have diffrent names than files in /hdfs/path/to/some_directory then nothing is overwritten. This might not what you want and can get you bitten. It is suggested that you always remove a directory manually using the command hdfs dfs -rm -r /hdfs/path/to/some_directory if you intend to overwrite the whole directory.

tail - Show Last Lines of a File

hdfs dfs -tail /user/saurzcode/dir1/abc.txt
  1. The command hdfs dfs -mkdir supports the -p option similar to that of the mkdir command in Linux/Unix.

  2. Check size of a directory. However, the depth option is not supported currently.

    hdfs dfs -du [-s] [-h] URI [URI ]
  3. Remove a directory in HDFS without making a backup in trash. This is a dangerous operation but it is useful when the directory that you want to remove is too big to place into the trash directory.

    hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash /tmp/item_desc


hdfs dfs -checksum URL

Notice that the checksum command on HDFS returns different result from the md5sum command on Linux.


Grant permission to a user.

hadoop fs -setfacl -R -m user:user_name:rwx /path/to/grant/permission

Merge Multiple Files

Use hadoop-streaming job (with single reducer) to merge all part files data to single hdfs file on cluster itself and then use hdfs get to fetch single file to local system.

hadoop jar /usr/hdp/ \
    -Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1 \
    -input "/hdfs/input/dir" \
    -output "/hdfs/output/dir" \
    -mapper cat \
    -reducer cat

Hadoop FS compress

  1. no update, have to update locally and upload to hadoop

  2. by default 3 reps of each block of data, 3 reps is the best according to many discussions

  3. hadoop is for large data of course

  4. because of false tolorence/replication of data, you acutally use more space on Hadoop

  5. master node (name node): data about data, primary and secondary master node, for reliable

  6. data nodes (slave nodes), edge node, access point for the external applications, tools, and users that need to utilize the hadoop environment

  7. edge nodes (gate to hadoop), name nodes, data nodes


  • Hadoop Filesystem - Java APIs

  • PySpark and HDFS Commands

  • Spark – Rename and Delete a File or Directory From HDFS





