Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

It is never too late to learn.

Tips on Car and Driving

Things on this page are fragmentary and immature notes/thoughts of the author. Please read with your own judgement!

Nissan Leaf

Please refer to Tips on Nissan Leaf for details.


Please refer to Tips on Mercedes-Benz for details.

Roof Window


  1. Don't try to save time on road! Plan enough time for driving.

  2. Keep your car clean (especially the windshield) in cold weather. Wash the windshield before you drive if it is dirty. It is possible that there are frost left on your windshield if you wash it in very cold weather. This can be really dangerous if your are driving. If this happens, don't be panic. Just tune your air condition to warm the windshield and forst should disappear soon.

  3. Be careful when you drive in a new city. Some roads might be much wider and it's easy for you to turn into the wrong way!

  4. Avoid driving during the night especially in cities that you are not familiar with. It's easy that you enter a wrong way in the night!

  5. Be careful when you turn left! It's eaay for you to turn into the wrong way when the road is wide especially during the night.

  6. 开车尽量不要被别人影响情绪,要随时保持平和的心态。

  7. 上高速如果前面有一辆车特别慢,你要特别小心。不要去滴人,这会分散你的注意力。 你不耐烦,你后面的车也会不耐烦。你想着超车,你后面的车也在想超车。 所以你换道时要特别小心后面的是不是也在换道。


  1. 尽量不要晚上开车!如果一定要晚上开车,必须使用GPS。

  2. 对于不熟悉的路段一定要查清楚每一个要走的路口的情况。 特别注意每一个路口能不能左右转,是否是单行道等等。

  3. 晚上在自己不熟悉的路口尽量不要走左转,尤其是没有红绿灯的路口, 因为有的路口不能左转但你可能看不清楚。


  1. 左转前一定要看清楚路口到底能不能左转, 注意路中间有没有隔离带。 在很宽的有隔离带的路上,一不小心就会进入逆行道。


  1. 心情不好不要开车!

Turn Right

  1. Be careful about whether you can turn right on red lights.

  2. Don't turn right on red when there are lots of traffic and the speed limit is high.

  3. Do not turn right on a road with heavy traffic even if the coming car on that road signals to turn right. There several reasons. First, the it might be a miss signal. Second, the right turn lane might an temporary extra lane and there are still many cars using the right driving lane.
    And even if the right turn lane is not an temporary extra lane, I've seen many drivers use the road shoulder to turn right which means that even if you see a car signals right, there are still many cars on the right-most driving lane.

High Way

  1. When you get on a high way, don't follow a big truck. If you have no choice, keep distance from it before you merge onto highway.

Car Wash

  1. You can save $1 by fueling your car and washing it together. You will get a car wash code on the receipt if you fueling your car first, which you can use to wash your car. So be sure to get a receipt. If you want to wash your car without fueling your car, you can also pay inside the washing factory using credit card.

Car Shop Blacklist

  1. A&D Automotive address:11 Washington Road Princeton Junction,NJ 08550

  2. Firestone

Car Mainteinace


  1. Do not mix different coolant together.

Wheel Alignment

drift to the left/right

Wheel balancing is different from wheel alignment

wheel balancing is to balance the weight distribution among the wheels while wheel align is to adjust angles of wheels so that the vehicle does not drift to the right/left in a short distance on a flat ground.


  1. In your drivers info center, pull up % oil life and then press and hold the arrow button which will reset it to 100%

Package Options

LS is usually the lowest level of the Chevy Cars.

LT is Usually the Middle and has a few more standard options than the LS.

LTZ usually starts out with the most standard options and usually has a few other things that they do not offer at all in the LS and LT Models.

Auto Parts Shops

  1. AutoZone

  2. Advanced Auto Parts


  1. It seems that people don't recommend to do transmission flush.

Car Report
