Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Transfer Files over Network in Linux

Comparison of Network Drives (Remote File System)

  1. NFS is very fast but not secure and it is for Unix/Linux only. It is a good choice for local network sharing.

  2. Samba is fast, secure and cross-platform. it is good for general purpose sharing and popular in companies.

  3. SSHFS is slow but very secure and it is for Unix/Linux only. It is good for situations where security is critical but performance is not.

To sum up, Samba is the one you want to use generally speaking. However, if you are on a local network and performance is crtical, go with NFS.

Comparison of File-copying Tools

  1. Generally speaking, rsync is the tool you want to use in most situations. It is definitely preferred over scp unless in situations when rsync is not available (e.g., on Andrioid).

  2. There are some other file-copying tools such as mbuffer and netcat/nc to help you squeeze the most out of network speed. However, unless you want to transfer huge files over high speed LAN and security is not a concern, you still want to stick with rsync. The example below is how you can copy files suing mbuffer.

    tar zcf - bigfile.m4p | mbuffer -s 1K -m 512 | ssh otherhost "tar zxf -"

    The example below uses tar and netcat to copy files.

    # run this command on the machine with the source files
    tar --numeric-owner -cvf - ./ | netcat -l -p 2020
    # run this command on the machine to copy files to
    netcat source_machine_ip 2020 | tar -zxf -


The best way to move data

tar + netcat = very fast copy
