I talked about an interesting problem in this post. I had onsite-inteviews from Wolfram at the end of April this year, and I decided to talk how to solve the problem using Mathematica. I did some research and realized that the problem is a well-known one which is called the Sum and Product Puzzle (aka the Impossible Puzzle). The Sum and Product Puzzle has several different versions. I reframe the one mentioned in my previous post as follows.
Two numbers (not necessarily unique) between 2 and 99 are chosen. The sum of them is told to Sam and the product of them is told to Peter .
Sam: "Now I don't know what the 2 numbers are, but I'm sure you don't know either."
Peter: "I have to thank you for the information, because I did have no idea of what the 2 numbers are, but now I already know."
Sam: "Now the same here."
Question: what are the two numbers?
R: range of the 2 numbers, which is {2,3,. . . ,99} in this case
x0 , y0: a (the) solution to the Puzzle
Mathematical Information Hidden in Words
"Now I don't know what the 2 numbers are, but I'm pretty sure you don't know either."
\(\exists\) multiple pairs of \(x, y\in R\) such that \(x+y=x_0+y_0\)
For each pair of \(x,y\in R\) such that \(x+y=x_0+y_0\), \(\exists\) multiple pairs of \(x',y'\in R\) such that \(x'\times y'=x \times y\)
Let's called the above conditions set I.
"I have to thank you for the information, because I did have no idea of what the 2 numbers are, but now I already know."
\(\exists\) multiple pairs of \(x, y\in R\) such that \(x\times y=x_0\times y_0\) (already in conditions set I).
Among all pairs \(x,y\in R\) such that \(x\times y=x_0\times y_0\), \(\exists\) an unique pair satisfying conditions set I.
Let's called the above conditions set II.
"Now the same here"
\(\exists\) multiple pairs of \(x, y\in R\) such that \(x+y=x_0+y_0\) (already in conditions set I).
Among all pairs \(x,y\in R\) such that \(x+y=x_0+y_0\), \(\exists\) an unique pair satisfying conditions set II.
Let's called the above conditions set III.
Algorithm to Solve the Sum and Product Puzzle
A/The solution (pair of \(x_0\) and \(y_0\)) must satisfies conditions set I, II and III at the same time.
Construct all possible combinations of \(x,y\in R\).
Select pairs (among all possible pairs) that satisfy conditions set I, II and III at the same time.
Mathematica Code for the Sum and Product Puzzle
TwoAddends[s_Integer, range_List] := Module[{lower, upper},
lower = range[[1]];
upper = range[[2]];
Table[{i, s - i}, {i, Max[lower, s - upper], Min[upper, s - lower, s/2]}]
TwoFactors[p_Integer, range_List] := Module[{lower, upper, div, n},
lower = range[[1]];
upper = range[[2]];
div = Select[Divisors[p], # >= Max[lower, p/upper] && # <= Min[upper, p/lower, Sqrt[p]] &];
Map[{#, p/#} &, div]
S1[pair_List, range_List] := Module[{s, candidates},
s = Total[pair];
candidates = TwoAddends[s, range];
Length[candidates] > 1 && Apply[And, Length[TwoFactors[Times @@ #, range]] > 1 & /@ candidates]
P1[pair_List, range_List] := Module[{p, candidates},
p = Times @@ pair;
candidates = TwoFactors[p, range];
Length[candidates] > 1 && Total[Boole[S1[#, range] & /@ candidates]] == 1
S2[pair_List, range_List] := Module[{s, candidates},
s = Total[pair];
candidates = TwoAddends[s, range];
Length[candidates] > 1 && Total[Boole[P1[#, range] & /@ candidates]] == 1
SumProductPuzzle[range_List] := Module[{lower, upper, candidates},
lower = range[[1]];
upper = range[[2]];
candidates = Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {i, lower, upper}, {j, i, upper}], 1];
Select[candidates, S1[#, range] && P1[#, range] && S2[#, range] &]
All code and results for this project are hosted on GitHub at sum_prod. As I will continue to study this problem, it is the best place to find the most updated code and results for this problem.
Run the function SumProductPuzzle
to find a/the solution to the puzzle.
SumProductPuzzle[{2, 99}]
{{4, 13}}
Some Discussions about the Sum and Product Puzzle
It is of great interest to find all ranges of the form \([2, U]\) such that there is an unique solution to the puzzle in these ranges.
Use the following code to do computation in parallel
DistributeDefinitions[TwoAddends, TwoFactors, S1, P1, S2, SumProductPuzzle]
rr = Table[ParallelSubmit[{i}, SumProductPuzzle[{2, i}]], {i, 61, 600}]
- The solution depends on the range (can have no, unique or multiple answers).
- There is no solution in [2, U] for \(2 \le U \le 61\).
- I have verified that an unique solution exists in [2, U] for \(62 \le U \le 610\).
- As the Mathematica code I wrote is more for illustrating my ideas and runs slowly. I will reimplement the algorithm with previous calculated results cached in Java to further study this problem.