Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

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Synchronization and Backup Solutions

Tips and Traps

  1. Almost all sychronization tools have problems with symbolic links. Most of them just ignore symbolic links. This makes sense as following symbolic links can causes serious disk problems. If not followed then symbolic links are likely broken on other device. The simple suggestion is do not place symbolic links in your synchronization folders.

  2. Backup (relatively) small files to Dropbox (or a similar tool), and Backup large non-privacy files on Baidu Yun. If a large file is sensitive, encrypt it first before uploding it to Baidu Yun.

Name Opensource/free OS GUI/CLI Sync/Backup Directly Accessible from Mainland of China Comments
Dropbox free for 3 devices and 2G space Windows, macOS, Linux GUI Sync No 1. Best solution for small data backup 2. every thing is in the same folder, no way to sync a folder with higher priority over others while you can do this with TeamDrive or BTSync
Baidu Net Disk free for 2T space and limited download speed Windows, macOS, Linux GUI Sync Yes Best solution for large data backup
Synqion (TeamDrive) free for 2G space Windows, macOS, Linux GUI Sync Yes 1. Best solution for small data backup 1. extremely secure, good for private, sensitive docs 3. separated spaces which is much better than dropbox
Syncthing free Windows, macOS, Linux Both Sync Yes 1. extremely secure, good for private, sensitive docs 2. good performance on large files but poor performance on small files 3. Best solution for private personal backup
Google Drive free for 15G space Windows, macOS GUI Sync No 1. good for backing up Google products
OneDrive free for 15G space Windows, macOS GUI Sync No 1. good for backing up MS products
NAS / NFS free Windows, macOS, Linux Both network file system Yes 1. easy to use 2. provided to employees by many companies 3. relatively low performance
Mutagen Opensource Windows, macOS, Linux CLI sync Yes 1. fast file synchronization; 2. network forwarding
Unison Opensource Windows, macOS, Linux CLI 2-way sync Yes 2-way sync, fault tolerance
osync Opensource Windows, macOS, Linux CLI 2-way sync Yes 2-way sync, rsync-based, fault tolerance
Rsnapshot free Windows, macOS, Linux CLI Backup Yes 1. easy to use 2. quick access 3. copy on change which takes more disk space than incremental backup tools but it is much simpler to use and is very robust
duplicity free Windows, macOS, Linux CLI Backup Yes 1. incremental backup 2. support encryption
backupPC free Windows, macOS, Linux ? Backup Yes high performance, enterprise-grade system
Bacula Opensource Windows, macOS, Linux ? Backup Yes enterprise-level computer backup system for heterogeneous networks

