Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Convert LaTeX to Word

pandoc is a general purpose tool for converting between different type of documents, however, it is not good at converting LaTeX code to word. tex4ht is a better tool for converting LaTeX code to word. The following are instructions to use tex4ht to convert LaTeX to word.

  1. Compile your LaTeX code. Make sure that there are no error messages. Do not remove the temporary files produced when compiling your LaTeX code, as they are required by the tex4ht command.

  2. Convert your LaTeX code to html document using the following command.

    mk4ht mzlatex you_latex_doc.tex
  3. Open the html document using office tools (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, AbiWord, etc).

  4. Save a copy of the html document to the right format you want.
