Ben Chuanlong Du's Blog

And let it direct your passion with reason.

Advanced Use of "head" and "tail"

It is suggested that you use Python instead of Shell to manipulate text files!!

Besides passing an unsigned integer as parameter to the option -n, you can also pass a signed integer to it. When a signed integer is passed to -n, it means from/to (inclusive/exclusive similar to most programming languages) the row with this index (1-based). More specifically, head -n +/-k means take rows 1 (inclusive) to +/-k (exclusive). tail -n +/-k means take rows +/-k (inclusive) to the last row. Below are some examples to help you fruther understand how it works.

  1. Print all but the last 5 lines.

    # -5 means without the last 5 lines  
    head -n -5 file_name
  2. Print lines 6 and after (i.e., all but the first 5 lines).

    # +6 means starting from line 6  
    tail -n +6 file_name
  3. Print lines 10 to 20.

    head -n 20 file_name | tail -n +10  
    # or you can use (11 = 20 - 10 + 1)
    tail -n +10 file_name | head -n 11

    Please refer to Print Rows from a Text File for better ways using sed and awk.
